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Fraternity and Sorority Life

Alpha Tau Omega

True Blue Accreditation Status: Does Not Meet Expectations

Fall 2024 Cumulative GPA: 3.01
Click here for additional GPA information

Nationally Founded : September 11, 1865
Locally Founded : Rechartered September 11, 1998
Local Website:
Symbols: Maltese Cross
Flower: White Tea Rose
Colors: Azure Blue and Old Gold
National Philanthropy: N/A
Local Philanthropy: Operation Enduring Warrior and Real Men Wear Pink
Twitter: N/S
Instagram: @ato.mtsu

Additional Information: Alpha Tau Omega is one of MTSU’s premiere leadership organizations. This chapter’s ability to motivate members to get involved outside our own organization is a trait that sets us apart from the rest. ATO involvement ranges from Student Government Senators, Interfraternity Council (IFC) Presidents, Student Ambassadors, Student Judicial Board, Peer Career Ambassadors, Student Orientation Leaders (SOAs), Blue Elite Campus Tour Guides, Order of Omega Presidents, and many more. ATO strives to make each student better himself and become more prepared for the real world. Our chapter of over 100 brothers has been recognized by MTSU as the top IFC Chapter 6 times in the last 8 years. Lastly, Alpha Tau Omega has been recognized by our National Organization as a top 20 chapter in the nation 7 times!

Contact Us

The Greek Affairs Office

Student Union Building 330

(615) 898-5812