Fraternity and Sorority Life
Sigma Pi

True Blue Accreditation Status: Meets Expectations
Fall 2024 Cumulative GPA: 3.03
Click here for additional GPA information
Nationally Founded : February 26, 1897
Locally Founded : April 21, 2007
Local Website: N/A
Symbols: Thigh Bone
Flower: Lavender Orchid
Colors: Lavender and White with Gold as an auxiliary
National Philanthropy: Donate Life
Local Philanthropy/Events: Habitat for Humanity/See Spot Run 5K
Twitter: @SigmaPi_MTSU
Instagram: SigmaPiMTSU

Additional Information:
OUR MISSION: To advance man’s quest for excellence
OUR VISION: Our men will strive for excellence by living our core values.
- Promote fellowship
- Develop character and leadership
- Advance heightened moral awareness
- Enable academic achievement
- Inspire service